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Welcome to my Blog. This a place to share and learn all things embroidery. Here I post inspirational stories and free lessons in the form of tutorials and guides. I also share tips, tricks and teach stitches and techniques.
You will also find free patterns and designs for you to unlock your creativity. It is a great place for any creative looking to learn or find inspiration in this art form.
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How to make interesting shadows and leaves with silk and woolly fibre This short tutorial is from the best-selling book: Little Flowers by Di van Niekerk & Marina Zherdeva How to make interesting shadows and leaves for ribbon embroidery An extract from Wild Roses and Pink Blossoms on page 139. Use wisps of wool and silky fibre to form shadows and background texture. It is...
Blomme in sy- en organzalint Di van Niekerk & Marina Zherdeva _______________________________________ 260 x 193 mm 160 bladsye Sagteband met flappe RRP: R220.00 ISBN 9781928201014 Hierdie boek met onweerstaanbare stap-vir-stap-projekte is toegespits op klein blommetjies in sy- en organzalint. Deur garing- en lintborduurwerk, stumpwerk en ander tegnieke te kombineer, kan jy bekoorlike aarbeiblommetjies, pragtige narsings, madeliefiekrans, manjifieke wilderose, 3D kamille- en papawerblomme met skoenlappers...
Little flowers in silk and organza ribbon by Di van Niekerk and Marina Zherdeva Alluring and delicate, the flowers in this book will inspire and delight. If you love flowers, then this is just the book for you. _______________________________________________________ Little flowers will appeal to needle crafters, card makers, dress designers, anyone wanting to make flowers in silk and organza ribbon. Suitable for every occasion: framed on...
Silk embroidery panel for Poppies design [caption id="attachment_12732" align="alignnone" ] Poppies Panel[/caption] The line drawing of the Poppies design in Little Flowers book is printed onto pure Dupion silk fabric, ready to embroider. It has heirloom quality cotton voile backing over-locked onto the silk — all ready to place inside your hoop. Size of panel is approximately 33 cm x 33 cm (approx. 13...
Silk embroidery panel for Narcissus design [caption id="attachment_12731" align="alignnone" ] Narcissus panel[/caption] The line drawing of the Narcissus design in Little Flowers book is printed onto pure Dupion silk fabric, ready to embroider. It has a cotton voile backing (heirloom quality) which is over-locked onto the silk — all ready to place inside your hoop. Size of panel is approximately 33 cm x...
Sorry, this item is completely sold out. ♫♥♫♥♫ Beautiful NEW! Vintage Roses kit for the complete beginner and the advanced Box Full of Lessons 15... Click on the images to enlarge Learn (step-by-step) how to create beautiful Vintage Roses with fabric and ribbon and use the technique to create designer roses for felt hats, brooches, hair slides. Make an...
Hello everybody ♫♥♫♫ I hope you are all well and happy! I have been quite for a while as I have been teaching in Australia at the BATB Convention hosted by the beautiful Inspirations Magazine. What a wonderful time we all had and I will tell you more in my October newsletter. Today, I have something beautiful to show you by Manuela Scarpin, a gifted silk ribbon teacher at Tombolo...
The waterfall at Silvermine on Sunday :-) Click on the image to enlarge
Hello everybody ◕‿◕ We are back from the fabulous International Quilt Convention Africa and I thought I would show you Emma Kriegler and Jacqui O' Connel's gorgeous “Wild Orchids and Roses” that they created for the show. Hope this will inspire you today. For the latest news, you are welcome to visit this page on my website here. I will show you more of their lovely masterpieces soon....
[caption id="attachment_12643" align="alignnone" ] The Sentinel Hout Bay[/caption] My help is in the mountain Where I take myself to heal The earthly wounds That people give to me. I find a rock with sun on it And a stream where the water runs gentle And the trees which one by one give me company. So must I stay for a long time Until I have grown...
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