This is a collection of
10 different shades of woolly fibres that you can use for creating interesting landscapes, shadows, clouds, foliage and trees. Use woolly fibres instead of stitches to quickly create an interesting dimension in your design. Couch the fibre in place here and there with a matching thread and tiny stay stitches. Gently pull the fibre over the stitch to cover it where necessary, or create more dimension by adding French knots or lazy daisy stitch on top.
♥ Woolly fibres can be stitched onto a background for a feathery texture. Makes lovely trees, clouds or backgrounds.
Here is an example of where Emma used the woolly fibres to create the tree trunk on the far right-hand side and the canopy of leaves above it.
and here is an example where Emma used it to create the shadows in the background under the umbrella. This is for the design we have titled "
a Beautiful Place"

The woolly fibre packs will
8 different shades and below is an example of some of the colours that you will find in the pack
On the label of each packet you will find the following suggestions:
Enhance your needlework. Create texture and add dimension in embroidery and textile art.Use for backgrounds, trees, birds, roofs, flowers, fairies, clouds, water, abstract designs etc.Couch or stitch in place with matching thread and tiny stab stitches. Have a look at this lovely Purple Rain design that Kitty Wong made and how she used it so successfully for the green tree in the background. Don't you love the feathery texture it creates?