This time of the year is a busy time for everyone, I know that. But it’s good to make the time to stitch (if only for twenty minutes a day) because
it’s so creative. You will be surprised how it relaxes you. Once you are in this routine and the family knows that this is your time, life becomes a
little less rushed and you will find it very therapeutic. The hardest thing is to start. But once your embroidery is on a frame and threads and
ribbons have been chosen, leave it in a special corner and before you know your masterpiece will be finished. Try it — it really works!
Click on the image to enlarge |
Thank you for your feedback on the four new designs which I am busy working on. Ah... I am having so much fun and have made them easy and
uncomplicated – I think you will like them… and all four were popular. So that's good to know!
The results: Olive: 163 votes Keep a tree in your heart: 163 votes
Love what hold us up: 157 votes Red: 178 votes.
I will let you know as soon as these beauties are ready for release.
Click on the image to enlarge |
Good news!
Relaunch of two designs: I have had many requests for the popular:
and I have re-licensed these for a limited time.
Wish You Were Here is on special this month
Wish you were here is the perfect project for the beginner to silk ribbon embroidery as it is available in
Box Full of lessons format
. Learn how to
make a masterpiece, step-by-step, with detailed photography and stitch diagrams. Easy to follow and easy to learn... and it is on special this month:
- at less 10 %
PLUS you will qualify for a 10% Bonus Hamper
- This means you will save 20% on Box Full of Lessons 1 kit.
- Is an ideal gift for someone special in your life…or for you
- To find out more about Wish You Were Here kit, click here
The Cadillac is on special this month too
I have also relaunched the much sought-after Cadillac design, especially for you, for a short time period of time...
...and this beautiful Cadillac kit is also on special this month:
- at less 10 %
PLUS you will qualify for a 10% Bonus Hamper
- This means you will save 20% on the Cadillac kit.
- Is an ideal gift for someone special in your life…or for you
- To read more about the Cadillac kit, click here
More good news
I have added more colour pictures to the Dreamscapes designs. These will serve as a good guide for those who buy the printed panels. I would like
to thank my friends who kindly shared their designs as useful guides. Click on the names below for more information:
Workshops in Australia and Norway
Sadly, I have had to cancel my workshops at BATB in Australia, also in Norway for 2012. My hubby is really not well and I don’t want to leave him
at this stage. I will see you in New Zealand and Brisbane at the Koala workshops in June/July 2013. My sincerest apologies to everyone who booked my
workshop at BATB and I hope that you will understand.
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Renn has asked me to tell you that Perfect World book will soon be out of print.
Do contact your
nearest stockist
to enquire if they have a copy before it is sold out and becomes an expensive out-of-print item like the
Dreamscapes book.
For more information,
click here.
This book teaches wonderful techniques which you are sure to use in your projects for many years to come.
Click on the image to enlarge |
New stockists
I would like to extend a warm welcome to two new stockists:
...and to a special person that many of you already know:
We welcome both of you on board and wish you much success in your new venture!
We have experienced and dedicated stockists throughout the world. Do have a look on
this page
to search for your nearest teacher and store.
Shaping stitches made in ribbon:
Ever wondered how to make leaves and petals look more realistic?
Essentially, you can use needle, thread and tiny stitches to ―show the ribbon what you want it to do —
how you want it positioned on the design.
Click on the image to enlarge |
- Gently lift the stitch up off your work to see the shape on the printed panel.
- Use one strand of matching thread: catch the edge of the ribbon. Insert the needle to the back of your work. This will adjust the shape so that it fits nicely on the design.
- This also secures the ribbon and it won’t pull out of shape when you make the adjoining leaves or flowers.
Here are some examples of stitches that were secured. These techniques are from my book:
Flower Fairies
in ribbon embroidery and stumpwork and the
article can be found on my blog
I have added some lovely designs by talented embroiderers under the
share and learn
section and the
silk ribbon embroidery
category... enjoy :)
♫♬♪ If you would like to receive updates when I add hints and pictures to my blog, you are welcome to join me
Looking forward to meeting you!
Click on the image to enlarge |
I just had to show you these lovely photographs of the prize winners receiving their parcels for the silk ribbon embroidery competition — it looks
like they had a lot of fun receiving them!
Marlize Meyer, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, South Africa who won third prize for her gorgeous
Click on the image to enlarge |
...and a celebration at Belsu-Crafturk in Istanbul, Turkey, to hand over the prizes to Hülya Göndür Sönmez for winning
fourth prize
and Beyza
Ergüney for winning a special commendation prize for her beautiful
Wish I could have been there :))
Click on the image to enlarge |
African Sunshine for you....
Bruce has sent you beautiful African Sunshine to celebrate the changing of the seasons…LOVE is in the air in Africa :))
To see another lovely photo of Love, have a look on my Facebook page
Scroll down to the lovely lion... Enjoy
Until next time...
Happy stitching
and the team in Newlands, Cape Town
To receive my newsletter by e mail, you are welcome to click here and stay in touch with the latest news and updates.
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