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Promising Pansies
Good morning…it is a beautiful day in Cape Town — the sun is shining and I can’t wait for the weekend!
Hiking weather and picnic weather, I hope ♫♬♪
Click on the images to enlarge...
Today I want to show you something really special .... photographs of Pansies by Kath Grabham
from Singleton, in the Hunter Valley in NSW, Australia.
These photographs will surely inspire you to make gorgeous Pansies and buds in silk ribbon?
Kath has generously shared her talent in photography with all ribbon embroiderers and she wrote:
“Buds and partly opened blooms particularly interest me. That's why, when I saw Ingrid Lee's
glorious Pansies with their buds, I wanted to show you those photos that meant more to me than just
pretty pictures. I feel I can enter into the very heart of them..."
"It would be interesting to do an altered photo of that side on pansy bud that is showing the sepals well back
but the petals still tightly wrapped. I'd have it partly transparent showing some little creature, perhaps a lady beetle
or ants or pansy fairy, in their sewing room embroidering a pansy bud! Actually, the whole picture could be embroidered.”
Kath wrote “I grew up on an apple, pear, plum, cherry orchard and grazing property near Orange in NSW, Australia. There was plenty of scope for the imagination there”
“I'd just like to think my photos could inspire someone, whether it is for colour,
the botanical twist or the drooped petal or sepal…. or the abstract outline shape of a
flower …. whatever inspires you!"
Thank you so much, Kath for sharing your photographs with us. I for one will make a beautiful Pansy using your work as inspiration. May the sun always shine on you ♥
Enjoy your weekend everyone and HAPPY stitching ♫♬♪
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