Happy Valentine's Day!
Welcome to my Blog. This a place to share and learn all things embroidery. Here I post inspirational stories and free lessons in the form of tutorials and guides. I also share tips, tricks and teach stitches and techniques.
You will also find free patterns and designs for you to unlock your creativity. It is a great place for any creative looking to learn or find inspiration in this art form.
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Twirled ribbon rose The twirled ribbon rose is a wonderful stitch to use when making roses and rosebuds. Here I used my 7mm silk ribbon no. 43 on a size 18 chenille needle... 1. Come up in the centre and gently twist the needle to form a neat tubular shape. 2. Hold the twirled ribbon and insert needle...
.. Hi everybody.... Today, I thought I would show you how to make interesting leaves with silk ribbon... How to make long, pointed leaves To make long leaves like the Yucca plant (above) start in the centre of the plant and make long twisted straight stitches for some leaves and use ribbon stitch for others. Hint: for an interesting effect, when forming ribbon stitch, twist the needle once...
Red Poppies by Marina Zheredeva Today I have lovely red Poppies to brighten up your day… Embroidered by the talented Marina Zherdeva from Moscow: my friend and stockists of all my ribbons, panels, books and DVDs. ...and here they are :-)) Click on the image to enlarge Thank you Marina for always sharing your talent with everyone ♥ I have some beautiful...
Good afternoon :)) To brighten up your weekend, I have a lovely piece to show you by Mrs R du Plessis from Bloemfontein in South Africa. Titled “Floral Patio” it is a beauty! Mrs du Plessis entered her Floral Patio in the International silk ribbon embroidery competition, and I love the way she has embroidered this gorgeous scene Close up detail…. ...
A very good morning to you! The sun is shining this side and it is a beautiful day in Cape Town. We have had lots of rain so the dogs and I have not been able to any walking and we all have cabin fever. So guess what we will do today as soon as I have finished everything on my list :)) Today I want...
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