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Good morning stitching world :)
This is the latest design from the Dreamscapes series and I just love the tranquil shades and the interesting dimensional effects that were created with simple stitches by Emma Kriegler.
See how the leaves are made with ribbon stitch? I will tell you a little more about the leaves and the bicycle wheels in this design :)
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About the leaves at the window
Here are some hints and tips for you :)
Make the brown stems first:
Use two strands of brown or green thread (separate two strands from the six) and make the stems in stem stitch or straight stitch. Hint: Although the stems are not visible on the printed design, rather fill them in. Use a sharp 2B pencil and draw some branches, then stitch over the pencil lines. This framework will help in the next step.
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Make the leaves:
Use 7mm silk ribbon and ribbon stitch to make the large leaves. Use numbers
To create the dark shadows and leaves: use 4mm silk number 113 and detached chain stitch (lazy daisy stitch).
The bicycle wheels
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Form the foundation of the wheels:
1. Use two pieces of wire which are twisted and then bent into a circular shape. The ends of the wire are placed on top of the flowers which will be added on top later. Hint: You could neatly arrange the ends on top of the fabric and use stitches to cover the raw ends, or make a little hole in the fabric and take the ends to the back of your work stitching them out of the way of the flowers with tiny stitches. Trim the excess wire with an old pair of nail clippers, or use a wire-cutter which is found in beading shops.
2. Couch the wire onto the design with two strands of thread of dark grey thread: See couching here. Space the stitches about 5mm (3 /16 “) apart and use a gentle tension whilst you stitch (you will be wrapping the wire in the next step so the wire should not fit too tightly against the fabric)
3. Come up from the back and wrap the wire with 4mm silk ribbon number 144: insert needle under and over the wire to cover it. Take the needle to the back only when you need to end off. Use one strand of grey thread and secure, shape the wheel with tiny stab stitches, stitching into the edge of the ribbon. See hint about using two needles here.
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4. The mud guards
Use a length of 7mm silk number 144 and fold it in half, pressing it flat with your fingers. Apply a little clear liquid anti-fray agent which will stiffen it slightly and prevent the raw ends from fraying. Drape the ribbon around the wheel and secure it in place (working on the folded section lying on the fabric) with the grey thread. Use tiny stab stitches placed wherever necessary to shape the mud guard.
Hope you enjoyed this small lesson. Have a lovely day!
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