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I have a beautiful new kit for you, and I think you are going to love it ♥
Lady in Red KIT Embroidered by the talented Karen Nell from Johannesburg, it features a clever way to make gorgeous three-dimensional roses and the sweetest teeny tiny butterflies and new ideas of how to create texture in your design. Look at the little 3-D daisies!
and the butterflies! Karen will tell you how to make them in this kit.
Karen wrote the instructions and they are easy to follow. I will also include 5 detailed large A3 size photos to guide you well. To see the photographs and details, go to my shop page here: https://shop.dicraft.com/product/lady-in-red-ribbon-embroidery-kit/
This kit should be ready to ship towards the end of next week, while stocks last.
Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you, Karen for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us!
#dicraftribbons #dicraftembroidery #creativeribbonembroidery #silkribbons #ribbonembroidery #divanniekerk
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