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I want to show you a little champion...
I just love this little hedgehog!
Don't you think she is lovely? She belongs to the extended Dicraft family and she is a much-loved little team member.
Hannah wrote about Hedgies.
Hedgies the hedgehog sleeps most of the day and scuttles about my room at night. On hot days she enjoys a swim. But most of all, she enjoys cuddling humans because they’re so nice and warm!
She’s very tame and friendly once she gets used to your scent. She’s a travelling hedgie and goes just about everywhere with me, including the beach on occasion!
Also, in terms of what she doesn’t like... she doesn’t like bright light because she’s nocturnal. I got given her by a friend. She’s an African Pygmy hedgehog, and they make awesome pets! She’s my little carry around spirit animal.
I think she is adorable, and would love to embroider this picture! I'll keep you posted.
And here she is getting a much-needed cuddle ♥
Have a happy day everyone and stay safe!
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