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Single-knotted stitch
Single-knotted stitch is a lovely stitch to use when you need a frilly texture - whether it be in the centre of a flower, for a lacy dress or jersey or a little dog. It is also useful for making other furry creatures and teddy bears. Click on image to enlarge
Click on the image to enlarge
Stitch diagrams are © 2012 Metz Press and Di van Niekerk To make this stitch: - Make a loop over a spare tapestry needle (or similar object) and secure it with a tiny stay stitch.
- Make several loops alongside, below, or above each other.
- Make the loops close together for a heavy texture and space them further apart for a fine, frilly texture.
Click on the image to enlarge
Depending on the effect that you require, make long loops as for the little dog below.... Click on the image to enlarge
... or make short loops for a fluffy little bee or the centre of a small flower. Click on the image to enlarge
Insert the point of your embroidery scissors into the loop and cut the thread.
Hint: For a fluffy texture, insert the sharp point of the needle between the fibres to separate them. Keep moving the needle (or sharp point of your embroidery scissors) over the fibres until they are nice and fluffy.Trim the fibre until you are happy with the fit. Another alternative for Single-knotted stitch is Turkey stitch which you will find on my YouTube channel and I have added the stitch for you on my blog here. Enjoy ♥
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