Tranquil Waters (Black Swans) in ribbon embroideryGood morning :)Many have asked for the much-loved Tranquil Waters design too and now the license has expired, but many of you were lucky enough to purchase the panel. Here are a few tips :)Tranquil Waters... click on the image to enlargeToday I will show you the embroidered piece by the talented Emma Kriegler and how she made the flowers in the foreground...Close-up detail. More detail :)and the flowers in the foreground...Here's how:For the thin grass, Emma used thread and long straight stitches. She added small French knots for the flowers.For the thick grass, Emma used twisted straight stitch and folded straight stitch in ribbon.The lilac and red flowers in the front are made inloose/puffed ribbon stitch and the green leaves alongside are made in the same way.For the fluffy flowers, Emma used single-knotted stitch. Hint: This stitch is similar to Turkey stitch but I think it is an easier stitch to make.
Make loops close together, securing each loop with a tiny stay stitch.
Cut the loop and trim to the desired length.
Fluff the thread. You will find the information on this page.
It looks difficult, but it is actually very easy to do, I promise!Enjoy your ThursdayLoveDi♥PS. I have added the list of what was used in this design and you could contact your nearest stockist for these supplies.
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