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Hi good morning from a sunny Cape Town! Today I thought I'd show you how to make an embroidered hat and a basket like the two in this design. It's quite a simple technique yet it has stunning results. This is from “The Bicycle” design where the hat and basket were made separately and then stitched on to the main design.
Make the Hat
- On a separate piece of thin cotton fabric, draw the shape of a hat with a sharp 2B pencil. Place the fabric in a hoop and stretch it taut. Tighten the hoop all the way.
- Here we used two shade of brown thread. Use six-strand embroidery floss (for example, Cosmo, Maxi, Anchor or DMC thread) and separate two strands from the six.
- With Chain Stitch, embroider the hat. Start on the brim of the hat and make rows of chain stitch, working from side to side as shown in the picture below.
- Work neat rows of small chain stitches until the brim and the crown are complete.
- Apply an antifray agent (the water-soluble one) around the edge of the brim and leaving a 4 or 5mm (just over 3/16 inch) seam, cut out the shape of the hat.
- With tiny stab or hem stitches, stitch the hat onto your design and leave a small gap. Fill the shape with a small wad of toy filling (use a small nail file or similar object to push the wadding under the hat) and fill until you are happy with the roundness of the hat. Do not overfill. Close the gap with stitches as you did before.
- Decorate the hat with a ribbon band and embroider some flowers, if you like.
Make the Basket
- Draw the shape of a basket on a separate piece of fabric as you did for the hat and stretch the fabric taut in the hoop as you did before.
- For the basket we used two strands of thread and Raised Stem Stitch. Have a look at this blog post where I show you how to create texture with raised stem stitch. The basket is made in the same way.
- Apply anti-fray and cut out the shape as you did for the hat, leaving a seam that will be tucked in as you stitch.
- Fill the shape with toy filling and there you are, a lovely basket that you can fill with flowers using ribbon stitch or other interesting stitches.
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and have a lovely day!
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