Hi, hello everyone! I was asked to write a tutorial about how to make this kind of hair – the long shiny locks of hair like this one in our popular kit “Girl with a Horse”. This kind of hair is easy to make!

Threads to Use.
I find that the Rajmahal Art. Silk threads are ideal for making hair as they are a blend of silk & viscose fibre. The thread is bouncy and shiny, a perfect texture for hair. They are available in 8 metre skeins as 6 strands of thread that are divisible.
Here we used no. 104 (Cinnamon) for the red strands of hair and 171 (Woodlands) for the blonde bits. Hint: Use all six strands for this kind of hair (don’t separate the strands) but for a project with finer hair, divide the 6 strands into 1, 2 or 3, depending on the thickness that you desire.
Use Long and Short Stitch
Note: I have created a PDF for you with diagrams and instructions on how to embroider with long and short stitch and you can
download it here to save for your collection.
The stitches for this hair are 4mm to 7mm long. Start with the red hair and working from her forehead downwards, make radiating straight stitches (as shown above) using all 6 strands of the 104 (Cinnamon) thread.
Hint: Stitch over a large tapestry needle (or similar object) to give the stitches a lift and use a gentle tension as you stitch.
The stitches should be quite loose for hair. Once you are happy with the thickness of the hair, change to the 171 (Woodland) thread and fill up the gaps to create highlights. Remember to use a gentle tension as you stitch!
♥ This beautiful kit can be found
here on my website.
I hope you enjoyed this little lesson and have a lovely day!
PS. Do remember to email me your pohotos of your work, i do so love seeing them!
Adrie Lee
Baie dankie Di vir die long and short tutorial. Ek geniet dit baie en is lief daarvoor maar doen dit nog al die tyd verkeerd. Baie baie dankie